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Best free file rename applications

File Renamer will let you rename all your files and folders. Features: batch rename all files and/or folders, add string to beginning or end of filenames, remove string from all the names to rename, change all the file extensions, numerate all filenames sequentially, convert all to uppercase / lowercase, trim ‘x’ characters from beginning or end of filenames, replace spaces inside filename to anything else or eliminate all spaces, replace one string from the name with any other, change file creation dates, add date and/or time to filename; work with one or multiple directories; Remove or add individual items from file list; Select multiple files from Open dialog box; Drag and Drop from Explorer; Sort files by file date, name or type; Infinite ‘undo’ function for all renames done; Command line use; Explorer right click context menu; Create ‘scripts’, combining several options to be applied in one go.

PFrank is a Professional Grade bulk file/folder renaming program, which seriously challenges and in some ways surpasses great utilities like Metamorphose, but also having the disadvantage of not being easy to use. Features: plugin for insertion of meta data from raw image files (e.g. cr2, nef, sr2), undo facility, filters, positioning controls, ability for users to plug in their own renaming commands, custom list manager for managing any number of custom lists; selectability from dozens of pre-defined regular expressions (these can be used as templates for performing many renaming variations), automatic display of columns depending on different criteria, resizable thumbnail, custom building folder paths to newly renamed files, the ability to insert over 158 types of meta-data from music, image, video, email, markup-language, and other files. Any of the meta-data can be saved to csv files.

Bulk Rename Utility along with PFrank and Metamorphose, can be considered one of the very best. Features: easy to use; Rename files, folders or both; Remove or change a filename; Perform string substitution; Change the case of filenames; Remove characters or words; Remove digits or symbols ; Append or prepend text; Append dates in many formats; Append the parent folder’s name; Auto-number files with flexible rules; Automatically preview the new names; Sort the file details by any column; Group configurations into “favorites”; “Bulk Rename” Explorer extension; Directory recursion; Rename files from an input text-file list; Create an “Undo” batch file; Log activity to a text log file; Change file and folder date/time-stamps (created, modified, accessed); Change file/folder attributes (hidden, read only, archived); Small memory footprint; Settings retained between sessions.

Metamorphose combines great flexibility with an intuitive interface, allowing many different rename operations. Cross platform, it can be used on a variety of operating systems. It doesn’t have problems with non-english characters, it is safe (it doesn’t delete files from the disk), it has a convenient preview option in real time (as the user enters the criteria of renaming). Features of Metamorphose: Preview every item to be renamed before comiting changes; Load all files in directory and in subdirectories (recursive renaming); Undo renaming; Regular expression support; Rename MP3 files according to their ID3 tags; Rename image files according to their Exif tags; Full unicode support means any character from any language can be used; Use of all allowed characters under Windows and OSX, all except ‘:’ in Linux. More: Save all program settings to file for later use; Renaming operations, which can apply to name and/or extension: Prefix, Suffix, Replacement, modification, or move by: Character, position, or regular expression. Insertion by: Position or every (number) characters, Length modifications (padding, truncating, or both); Renaming styles: combination of: user text, numbering, id3 tags, date, time; Modifications: UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalize first, Title Style, sWAP cASE, ‘DoRkIfY’; Move by position, text, or regular expression; Sequential numbering (enumerating) options: Use integers, alphabetical, or roman numerals, and more.

Filesman will help you beautify the names of your folders and files, e.g. if you have some names in uppercase others in lowercase, others with underscores instead of spaces, etc. Filesman does not support unicode characters (you will see question marks instead of letters, if you don’t use the standard Latin character set). Features: Rename all the files in the selected directory * Rename all files in subdirectories * Rename just directories * Upper case after a blank space * Upper case after a dash * Upper case all * Lower case all * Convert underscores to spaces * Optimize spaces: when “-” is found, it changes to ” – ” * Minimize spaces: when ” – ” is found, it changes to ” – ” * Preview before you apply any changes * Modify file attributes * Rename or delete a single file * Rename just selected files: use filters * Multiple file selection * Sort function for numbering * Numbering of files * Remove any numbering present in file name. * Add any sequence of characters, space, dashes. * Remove any sequence of characters * Convert file names to 8.3 format (DOS) * Check against dangerous operations in system directories, like Windows folder. * Save options in registry. * Rename files starting from the content of a text file that contains a list of file names. * Undo function * Print file list

Toricxs will let you clean up automatically the appearance (file name and/or tags) of your wma, mp3 and wav files. Toricxs is a tag editor, wma/mp3/wav renamer and organizer. It can also create tags out of file names. Toricxs will remove characters, apply uniform naming schemes from existing tags or file names. It can also move or copy files, keep backups of the original files before renaming them. You can try Toricxs if you have downloaded a lot of files with meaningless or difficult-to-understand names (such as “emin232dx.mp3”).

JaMP Organizer will let you edit and delete audio file tags and fix audio filenames. Renaming music files is what JaMP Organizer does best. It is able to fix the filenames even if the files don’t have proper tags. If proper tags are present, you can define which of them to include in filenames and in which order.

Image Renaming will let you rename your photos with a name based on date and time. First you need to select a number of jpeg files that you want to rename. You can drag and drop into the program, or select them from the menu – File > Add File, or File > Add Directory, if you want to do a recursive search in all the subfolders. After you select your files you can do any of the following operations: Add date into Image * Add custom text into Image * Add date to file name * Add index to file name * Append date to file name * Append index to file name * Random rename file.

Rename Master will help you rename multiple files easily. Rename Master will add, remove, or replace parts of the filename with ease; it supports renaming via file properties, MP3 tags, JPEG JFIF and EXIF tags, and text files. Features: Intelligent number sorting * JPEG/MP3 tag support and many more Meta-Variables * Auto-Preview support * Scipts to save commonly used renaming options * [*] and [?] command prompt style wildcards for replacing and remove options * “Undo” button so a renaming operation can be rolled back * Floating thumbnail window for viewing pictures and optional thumbnail file list view * Optional Explorer integration for right-clicking on folders or using “Send To”.

FastStone Photo Resizer will let you convert, rename, resize, crop, rotate, change color depth, add text and watermarks to single images or in batch mode.

Personal Renamer supports Drag-Drop, Rename files using numbers/letters(1,2,3 – A,B,C), View changes in log. Personal Renamer can monitor a directory and rename or move files automatically. You can use Personal Renamer to organize photos, or automatically arrange files you download.

GrNamer will convert all or selected file names in a folder from Greek to Greeklish. The exact correlation between Greek and Latin characters can be customized in the Settings of GrNamer. Other options: conversion to small letters, Capitalization of the first letter of each word (Title Case), Capitalization of only the first letter of the first word, deletion of double spaces. GrNamer won’t change folder names, nor file names recursively, in several folders. Both of these limitations are serious, and you can overcome both of them if you use instead the Bulk Rename Utility with a Greek to Latin conversion list, able to work also on any file type, not only on MP3s, recursively, changing folder names too.

DropIt will let you automate sorting, filing data-files, copying and moving between folders. You can configure it to do 8 different actions to your files and folders (Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Open With some program, Delete and Ignore), filtering files by name, extension, location, size and/or date.

PhotoBatch will let you perform batch processing, format conversion and renaming of image files. Scripts of commands, including input and output setup, can be saved and loaded for reuse. Input and output setup may be saved with the script or set at runtime. Input files may be filtered in various ways (file type, date, size, aspect ratio). A single script may produce multiple output images from each input image. Output files may be saved each in a different file format and renamed in various ways (prefix,suffix,auto-numbering).

Belvedere will let you create advanced rules to move, copy, delete, rename, or open files based on their name, extension, size, creation date, and more.

Light Image Resizer will let you right click on your images and resize, optimize and or convert them. You can save your images with a new name or replace the original ones. Rename, sort or add a watermark.

NexusFont will help you; it will let you compare many fonts at once, install or uninstall fonts, rename many font files with their font name at once, and more.

Check this post if you need to rename and randomize your files with numerical file names.

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