Matrix Revolutions and Reloaded impressive 3D animated screen savers
These are 3 great screensavers you can download and enjoy, even if you didn’t like the Matrix movie. They are similar with each other, with subtle differences; variations on the same theme.
All 3 of them give a strong 3D impression with letters moving up and down, appearing and disappearing, coming in the front and going back, while the whole screen can turn to various angles. They are really impressive; if you use a screensaver, even now that modern monitors don’t really need them, download and try all of them.
Matrix Revolutions shows a 3-dimensionally animated Matrix code, dropping from top to bottom but also slowly moving away from you into the deepth of your sreen. Every minute or so the words Matrix Revolutions appear and are then slowly resolved again.
Matrix Reloaded shows a 3-dimensionally animated Matrix code, dropping from top to bottom but also slowly approaching from a distance towards you. After a while your viewpoint changes as well, moving it underneath or on top of the dropping symbols. Also, in this particular flavor of Reloaded, some distorted images from the movie appear in the far distances and slowly move towards you.
Matrix Reloaded Pure shows a 3-dimensionally animated Matrix code, dropping from top to bottom but also slowly approaching from a distance towards you. After a while your viewpoint changes as well, moving it underneath or on top of the dropping symbols.