If Chrome refuses to run Flash on a site

Google Chrome is not that friendly to Flash, you may know, and it will stop supporting flash completely in 2020. The other day I needed to use a flash app in a site when Chrome gave me this message, that I need the latest Flash addon.

Next time, the message was gone, but when I tried to run the app, Chrome still refused!

Chrome may give you messages such as “Adobe Flash has been blocked because it is out of date”, “Couldn’t load plug-in”, “The following plug-ins were blocked on this page”, “This plug-in is not supported”, “A plug-in (Shockwave Flash) isn’t responding”, etc.

First thing you need to do, even before you try to download again Flash from Adobe, is to enable Flash on the site you need to use it. To do this, go to the left of the web address, and click the Lock or Info icons. Go to the Settings for this site and choose to always allow flash on the specific site.

Refresh the page, and enjoy!