If you ever wanted to have the Icon of the Christ on your desktop, not as a wallpaper image, but in a discreet way, at a side or corner of the screen, you can get this 50 KB free sidebar gadget and be happy!
The default selection of the CHRIST ICON is the Byzantine Icon of the Christ of Mt. Sinai, perhaps the best known image of His. However, you can change this Icon with anyone you want (in the most common image formats — jpg, png, gif, bmp…), even with another one from Ellopos’ Orthodox Images of the Christ. These images help us grow our intimacy with Him.
THE CHRIST ICON is clickable, letting you open the New Testament at a random chapter. The text used is Elpenor’s Bilingual New Testament, featuring the Greek original side by side with the English translation, illuminated with images from Athos Holy Mount.
The Christ Icon is freeware; you may download it for yourself or give it to others, but you may not charge for it, nor modify it. * Requirements: Windows 7 / Vista or later. (For Windows 8 or 10 you may need to enable gadget support. For Windows XP or older get the Bible Reader shortcuts)
* To install just run the .gadget file included in the zip archive.
Features :: Mt. Sinai Byzantine Icon of the Christ * Small and Large image sizes * Replace with a custom image of your choice * Move it anywhere on your Desktop * Open Random chapter of the New Testament right from your Desktop * Byzantine (Greek) original side by side with King James English translation of the New Testament * Absolutely free * Checked clean from spyware, viruses, ad-ware, etc.
» For Windows XP or older get the Bible Reader shortcuts.
» For Windows 8 or 10 you may need to enable gadget support.