Convert your M3U playlist to a Nero NRI compilation – or just burn it
If you’d like to burn an Audio CD from your mp3 playlist, it is easy; dragging your m3u file to Nero Burning ROM is all that it takes. I can’t understand why Nero did not allow the same function when burning a data jukebox CD/DVD, i.e., to let you add to a compilation all those audio files included in a playlist, as data files.
It is even more strange, yet it is true: Nero Burning ROM cannot import data audio files from a playlist – but Nero Express can! Therefore, when you install Nero and you are ready to get rid of all those applications included in the so-called “Nero Suite” – don’t guess that Nero Burning ROM is enough, you might also need Nero Express, especially if you use audio playlists. Here is what you can do to burn or convert your audio playlist as JukeBox data – in three steps:
1) Start Nero Express,
2) From the Audio menu select new JukeBox CD/DVD compilation,
3) Drag and Drop your playlist to Nero Express, and seat back with your coffee while Nero imports your music as data files ready to be burned. After this import is complete, you can also save your compilation in the native nri nero format.
This way you can instantly burn your m3u audio playlist as a jukebox (data) cd/dvd, or just convert your playlist to Nero nri format, avoiding to do the same job twice, one time for Nero and one more time for your audio player.