Discover the potential hidden in your data, predicting new futures, with Knime Analytics

KNIME (KoNstanz Information MinEr), pronounced naim, is developed by the University of Konstanz. It’s a free solution for data-driven innovation, designed for discovering the potential hidden in data, mining for fresh insights, or predicting new futures.

For over a decade, a community of data scientists in over 60 countries has been working with this platform on every kind of data: from numbers to images, molecules to humans, signals to complex networks, and simple statistics to big data analytics.

Data is buffered in an intelligent way, yet some algorithms may require too much time and memory for very huge datasets.

Knime features an intuitive interface, uncluttered, yet including a lot of sections and functions.

Knime is reliable and convenient, needing of course some time before you gain the necessary familiarity to analyze data and create workflows.

Download Knime 64bit or 32bit