Manage school tasks and billing, with Rosario Student Information System
RosarioSIS is a free web platform that lets you manage a school, from discipline to accounting, including student grades, attendance, tasks, food, etc. The program is made especially for K-12 schools, but it can be very well used by any institution that is related with education.
RosarioSIS provides modern responsive layout, able to conform to the dimensions of all modern devices, including of course smartphones and it is available not only in English, but also in French, German, Spanish and Arabic.
A nice feature for such an application is the ability to create PDF documents, that can be shared easily. Since management includes stats, graphs are also necessary and are supported by RosarioSIS.
The program provides also LMS integration and of course the option of registering on-line new accounts. Extensive documentation makes your life easier, although after the initial setup you won’t face much difficulty to understand how to use it.