File tools Graphics

Best free image converters, resizers and watermark embedders

PhotoBatch will let you perform batch processing, format conversion and renaming of image files. Scripts of commands, including input and output setup, can be saved and loaded for reuse. Input and output setup may be saved with the script or set at runtime. PhotoBatch does not support multi-frame image input or output (AVI or multi-frame gif). Among the various predefined commands that the program supports you can find Text overlay (absolute) and Watermark – image overlay.

Image Tuner will help you rename many images at once to get rid of standard naming patterns, resize them for uploading to social networks, phones and forums, convert them for compatibility with certain programs and make other fairly basic modifications.

FastStone Photo Resizer will let you convert, rename, resize, crop, rotate, change color depth, add text and watermarks to single images or in batch mode. The option of saving your settings is great.

Size4mail will help you resize and rename camera images for emailing. You can run your default email client with the image files attached. Images can also be cropped to show just a portion you may want.

Image Resizer is a Microsoft Powertoy that creates a new option in the right click menu, to resize one or more images immediately. There appears a dialogue to let you choose between some standard sizes and (advanced) let you overwrite the existing files instead of creating new ones. Excellent, if you don’t want much control over the resize parameters.

Shrink Pic allows you to automatically reduce the size of photos for email, IM, blogging and web galleries. It automatically detects when you’re sending large photo files and compresses them in the background. You can control how Shrink Pic resizes your photos by selecting between three resize levels or by entering your own custom sizes. It also recognizes rotated photos (portrait layout) and resizes them as needed.

FreeSizer will let you drag and drop one or more photos into a list, select a resizing profile and click a button to resize them. It is not necessary to customize height, width and compression settings, if the pre-configured profiles, ready for most popular uses, are enough for you. By default, your resized images are saved to the same folder as the original. They will have _resized appended to their original file name. You can also save resized images to a different folder and customize file naming.

Dropresize will automatically resize any image you put on specific folders. It resides in the system tray so it won’t interfere with your work. To use it, just run it, specify folders to be watched by the program and configure the image resize settings per folder. Now, everytime you copy an image into one of your specified folders, Dropresize will resize it there, creating (if you want to) a backup in a different folder. The program works great, and you will find it very useful if you have regular resize needs.

Foto2Avi creates photo slideshows as a single video file, in avi or in dvd format. Foto2Avi includes video effects and adjustments like Transitions (Flippage, Swirl…) Basic Effects (Brightness, Noise, Fade in, Fade out), Advanced Effects (Distort, Ripple), Animations, Subtitles, Logos. It supports external audio sounds (mp3, ogg, wav).

WinScan2PDF will help you scan your documents and save the images produced in PDF format. WinScan2PDF can also handle multiple pages (scan many pages before creating the PDF file.)

Web Resizer will convert and downscale common graphic formats, such as JPEG, PNG, WMF, TGA, etc, to standard web graphic formats i. e. JPEG and PNG. You can make profiles and save them to use them when needed. Preview result before resizing, convert DPI, apply resampling filter to make a better quality conversion, enhance contrast and brightness, sharpen, insert text as watermark, rotate, save all resized images to a ZIP file. Unfortunately WebResizer does not support transparency in the text of your watermarks.

Visualizer Photo Resize will let you perform batch resizing. It will also convert and optimize your images, supporting JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TGA, TIFF, PSD, PSP. You can also use Visualizer Photo Resize to embed a text watermark in batch processing your photos.

Modi is a free batch image processor, extensible by using plugins. It features Noice Reduction, Auto Level, Presets, Resize, Text or Image Watermark, Adding frame to images, AutoRotate based on EXIF information, Preview, jpg file using file size constraint, Prepend text to output file name, Drag and drop, and more.

TSR Watermark Image will add digital watermarks to your images, with the transparency and other features you decide. The program can resize the images before a digital watermark is added. You can use either text or another picture as the source of your watermark. Output the watermarked photo to JPEG, or TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF file formats, Specify the quality of the output when saving in jpeg format, Maintain directory structure in destination directory or combine all batch watermarked images into one directory, Skip or overwrite existing watermarked images in destination directory.

Morz Image Converter will let you right click on one or more images and convert them to the 14 most popular image formats, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIFF, Adobe PSD, TIFF, BMP, PNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, PXM, WBMP, PostScript (PS), Adobe PDF.

File Converter converts even from the context menu in Windows Explorer. It supports a lot of output formats and even more input formats. You can customize the application to add or remove conversion presets in the context menu or edit the existing presets to change conversion options.

Light Image Resizer will let you right click on your images and resize, optimize and or convert them. You can save your images with a new name or replace the original. If you make a search in several subfolders and right click on the search results, the program will resize all the images saving each one of them on its original folder, if you want it to. It can add a watermark, and save Profiles.

ImBatch will let you combine tasks to make a processing sequence. You can add commands to the Windows context menu, by using the ImBatch Context Menu Editor, supplied by ImBatch. That enables you to edit images without leaving Windows Explorer. Image Monitor allows you to monitor the images in several directories and automatically apply tasks, when old images are changed or new appeare. The program allows you to work separately with frames of multipage images (GIF, TIFF, DICOM and so on). You can see the result of your tasks for each image before processing. You can further automate image processing with command line parameters.

Check also the best free image editors, viewers and animators

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