Power Do Task Manager Gadget is small, elegant and convenient. It will let you create, organize, save, and print your to-do list. Tasks are always visible (until they expire) each in a colored row along with their date. This way you save space comparing with the usual post-it notes. Tasks can be saved in an external backup file and printed directly from the gadget.
Recurring Events will let you have on your desktop an analog or digital clock and two options, to open a calendar to define events and an alarm button to define alarm modes. You can have an alarm for an event to be repeated e.g. daily. The gadget lets you customize its background theme. If you need recurring reminders, and of course, simple reminders, this is a desktop gadget you should try.
To Do List is a really simple Desktop Gadget that will let you add up to 15 tasks, ideas or anything you need to remember. The gadget allows you to check (mark) a task after you finish it, or uncheck it. Note that your tasks are not saved when you restart Windows. If you need a Desktop Gadget with more features, get one of those above, or keep reading for more advanced freeware.
World Time lets you just monitor several times across the world, including also a connection with On Line real time automatically adjusted times that give a global image of the world time differences. No reminders or anything else. You can use World Time in a combination with other gadgets or freeware on a workspace for scheduling tasks. If you don’t need to watch several times, you can always use it as a simple digital clock. If you don’t even want to use a gadget, you can always consult the free On Line World Time Page.
ToDoList is not a complicated and difficult project manager, but it can be used even by business teams. The program is also able to track and report the use of time for particular jobs, which means also that it can be helpful for billing purposes.
AllNotes is a notes keeper that can also make secure notes. The notes are stored in one text file, and organized into categories and notes. Allnotes is easy-to-use, featuring search and tabs.
ReminderCube is a free desktop calendar you can use to set day’s events and tasks (with optional alarm) and write your notes.
UK Kalender can remind you of upcoming events and todos. There are several views for your dates that are organized similarly to a calendar sheet. Independent from the calendar function there is also a todo list where you can enter tasks with a deadline and a forewarn time. It features Repeating events, Forewarn time and snooze function, Multi day events, Event categories and templates, Acoustic reminders, Event driven program execution and document opening, Marking and hiding events. Events can be displayed in week-, fortnight-, month- or year-view. Holidays for one or more countries can be displayed right in the calendar. Various holiday modules are available. If your country is missing, you can define a holiday module yourself using a special holiday editor.
TaskUnifier is a free task management application. It will help you organize your tasks, folders, contexts, goals and locations.
Rainlendar will place a calendar on your desktop, nicely merged with your wallpaper, to let you know the date, track events, setup reminders, etc. The appearance can be customized with skins and you can even mix different skins together. Different events can have a different appearance in the list so you can easily spot the important events. The icons in the calendar are also available in the event list and other windows to make it easier for you to separate the events. You’ll also get an alarm when an event or task is due so that you don’t miss it.
EssentialPIM will help you to schedule your day, manage your contacts, keep track of your to do plans and organize your notes, Link any item to any other item. Data can be password-protected and the database file is encrypted. To Do features Tree-like structure that holds category, priority, completion status, due date, and reminders. Notes in Flat, table, tree-like multilevel data structure.
Birthday Reminder will alert you to birthdays you need to remember.
Mini Reminder will let you remind yourself of important yearly events, like birthdays, anniversaries, renewals, etc. You can add short comments, customize the colors, and choose the font type and size.
NextAction Reminder is an application to keep you focused, it remains always on top (unless you minimize it), always out of the way, and constantly remembers what you’re doing next.
NetCalendars will let you share your calendar with others to sync the work in your office – in the local network or over the Internet.
VORG Express will help you manage and access Contacts, Tasks, Calendars, Notes and Documents. The Task Management system allows you to define tasks and track their completion. You can group your Activities or Todo List in folders and categories, plan and supervise your Projects with a Timeline view. VORG Express provides a scheduling system with multiple calendars, recurrent events, event resources and reminders. Events can be viewed in a grid or in the more user friendly daily, weekly and monthly views. Each view can be printed.
InfoWonder is able to store many different types of information: word processed memos, voice/audio “notes”, web pages, pictures, it also offers user-created fill-in forms to simplify repetitive data entry. InfoWonder’s reminder can pop up a reminder on any item in an InfoWonder file. Reminders can be one-time or recurring at almost any conceivable interval.
Task Coach will help you manage personal tasks and todo lists, and it is designed to deal with composite tasks. Task status depends on its subtask and vice versa. E.g. if you mark the last uncompleted subtask as completed, the parent task is automatically marked as completed too, Tasks and notes can be assigned to user-defined categories, Settings are persistent and saved automatically. The last opened file is loaded automatically when starting Task Coach. Tasks can have a budget. Time spent can be viewed by individual effort period, by day, by week, and by month.