Manage passwords and notes safely, and auto fill forms, with LastPass
LastPass combines an application you install and an online service hosting your passwords (encrypted) letting you use them from whatever location you happen to be. All you need is to remember or save locally a master password. Having all this sensitive information away from my PC made me feel insecure, and I still believe that this should be optional, not obligatory. However, according to LastPass all encryption and decryption occurs locally, so that sensitive data won’t travel over the Internet but only encrypted.
The encryption algorithm is that of the US Government for Top Secret data. If you lose or forget your master password LastPass can do nothing to help you decrypt your data. The easiest way to add new sites to LastPass is to simply go to the site and login as you typically would. LastPass will present you with an Add Site option. After you choose to save the site, LastPass stores your encrypted data and automatically fills in this information next time you visit the site. LastPass gives you also tools to generate secure, non-guessable passwords.
LastPass Secure Notes allow you to store private information safely and securely. Some examples of data that you might save in a secure note include bank account numbers, social security numbers of your family members, passport numbers, combinations to safes, etc. LastPass also supports selective form filling.
I use it for years and LastPass seems to be one of the best free password manager and auto-filler available.