Usually Windows manages to install all updates without problems, however, you may face suddenly the alert, “Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes…”
Microsoft suggestions about that may prove unable to help, so that, instead of installing some updates you may find yourself having destroyed the whole configuration of your PC!
Windows may report that 10, 20 or more updates are not installed, however, most of the times all updates can be installed except for just one or two. Your real task is to find this strange update, and see if it can be installed after you finish installing everything else.
Start with updates having a smaller number, e.g, install from kb222 to kb333, but not kb444. Or try to install all updates except for the last 2 or three. If you succeed on that, the problem is now limited to these last updates.
When you finally locate the exact update that cannot be installed, and is not installed even now that is left alone, right click and select to hide it, this way avoiding to have it on your way in a future update session. In the course of time, even this hidden update will be included in a major update and it will be installed without problems.