You may find in simple text documents, emails, newsgroup messages, etc., words in italics placed between underscores and bold words placed between asterisks (e.g. _this is in italics_, *this is in bold*).
MS Word can convert this automatically to real bold and italic formatting in two ways, as you type, or even afterwards.
Open the Auto Correct properties of Word and configure two, the “AutoFormat as you type” tab, if you type your text right now, and the “AutoFormat” tab, in case you have a text already typed.
Check the relevant bold and italic options, and press OK.
In the “Design” section of Word select the “Auto Format” icon, and enjoy!
Related Posts:
- If italic fonts turned bold, or everything is bold or italic, font families are missing, etc
- Add tags for bold, italics and more, in plain text notepads, with AutoTagger
- Convert PDF to Word documents, Plain text, HTML, or Images
- Encrypt your plain text (TXT) documents, with MyText Notepad
- Toggle italics or bold in a selection in MS Word completely, partially, alternating or not
- Enjoy MS Word games, funny formatting, mirror text, mix ups, with Fun4Word
- Revert custom text formatting to Normal in Microsoft Word
- MS Word macro to apply different formatting to blank spaces in selected text
- Remove rich text formatting with Strip Mail
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