Find driver updates and install them automatically, with Driver Booster and Driver Easy

Perhaps each part of a PC should notify for driver updates, but right now we can use dedicated programs that will do the job. I tried two free and great applications and I must say it wasn’t difficult to know the winner.

My choice is Driver Booster, a program that searches for drivers, gives you a list of updates and lets you at a click of your mouse get them all and install them automatically, after a restore point is created! Wow! Is there anything better than this? Of course there is! A program that would do the same, but downloading the drivers at a greater speed, which is an advantage of the Pro, commercial, version. Note though that the free version is not unbearably slow — contrary to Driver Easy.

Driver Easy is a direct competitor, it will do the same job with Driver Booster, but at a much slower speed. Driver Easy (again, contrary to its commercial version) is so slow, you can’t use it but only when updated driver packages are not too large: when you see a driver of let’s say 20 or 40 MB, you know the download will take ages! As if that were not enough, the program won’t let you download everything at once (in which case you could just combine driver updates with your dinner!), but only a single driver each time. After you install a driver, you can download and install the next one! As if even this were not enough, the program gives constant prompts for anything — if you want to download, to confirm then download, then if you want to install, to confirm and then install… I’m tired just by thinking about it!

Well, to me the winner is clear! Driver Booster found the exact same updates as Driver (not that) Easy, it downloaded all of them at once and at a greater speed, it created a restore point, and it installed everything by itself!

Download Driver Booster or Driver Easy