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Sharing is Joy! Motivate more people to share!

“Knowledge we have of each other comes from all of this, from these chance meetings…” President Macron

According to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, in one among many Sharing Quotes lying in the heart of Social Share Motivator, the main property of friends is to share all things. If you’d like all those precious posts you publish to be useful to even more people, you can use this light, fast and free WordPress plugin.

Social Share Motivator urges your visitors to share your site on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus before they access the content. The plugin obscures the content until it is shared in Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus. Then all of the site becomes easily available. Social Share Motivator includes an option to have a small “Close” button on the Share prompt, if you prefer more flexibility.

Social Share Motivator lets you decide what to be shared on social networks, the particular page that a visitor opens, or a single (always the same) page you can explicitly define. It also lets you select if the Share prompt appears on pages, posts, archives…, even only on specific pages or posts you can define.

Or the opposite, you can have all your site ‘locked’ and define only a few pages that would open immediately, such as your contact page, for example. You can also write yourself whatever message you’d like to communicate with your visitors. Social Share Motivator is flexible enough, since it lets you choose between an aggressive “share or leave” policy, and a strong but not full-force urge. Note that a ‘locked’ site is still visible to search engines.

* Check also top-priority free Windows utilities.

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