Hide or kill a program with a hotkey, using NCS WinVisible
NCS WinVisible is a free program that will hide one or more applications from your taskbar, desktop and the Alt+Tab sequence, when you press a keyboard shortcut (customizable). You can use NCS WinVisible to protect your privacy or support your focus by selecting applications you wish to hide.
When you press the hotkey, any application you have defined will become invisible. Another hotkey will bring the window back to real life!
Features: Hide applications with a hotkey * Show applications with a seperate hotkey * Kill applications with a hotkey. (WARNING: Unsaved work will be lost) * NCS WinVisible can hide itself when you press the hide-hotkey * Choose what the program will do with hidden applications if you close it. * Auto upgrades
Unfortunately the program sometimes is not able to hide a window, while other times is unable to reveal it using a hotkey.