Edit and save MP3, WAV and more formats, apply audio effects or convert, with WavePad Sound Editor

WavePad is a nice and free audio editor that lets you cut, copy and paste parts of recordings, add effects like echo, amplification, noise reduction, etc. The program works as a wav editor or mp3 editor but it also supports a number of other file formats including vox, gsm, real audio, au, aif, flac, ogg and more. It is easy enough, including shift+arrow or shift+home/end selection shortcut keys (I don’t understand why some other editors lack them).

Unlike Audacity, WavePad can save in mp3 format (not only “export”). WavePad is also fast enough (faster than Audacity) when opening or saving mp3 files.

Features: Sound editing functions include cut, copy, paste, delete, insert, silence, autotrim. Audio effects include, amplify, normalize, equaliser, envelope, reverb, echo, reverse, sample rate conversion.

The program comes also in a commercial, pro, version with more features. Check this page in case that WavePad faces a permissions problem when trying to install on demand new components.

1 Response

  1. Harry says:

    Nice and easy. Thanks also for the problem with Windows permissions.