Socializer! is an absolutely free and unrestricted service that facilitates the sharing of web pages. To use Socializer! as a visitor of web pages, to let it help you share a web page you just visited, to send it to Facebook or other networks, email it, translate it to a different language, etc., you can use the Socializer! bookmarklet.
If you own yourself a web site or blog, get also the JavaScript Edition.
Most web pages offer sharing tools to their visitors, but still quite a lot miss this feature. The bookmarklet of Socializer! will let you share such pages.
Drag the Socializer! icon below and drop it to your browser’s links toolbar, in order to have Socializer’s Sharing button always visible and ready to help you share a page.
Drop it to the Links/Bookmarks toolbar of your browser:
Alternativel you can right click on the link below to add the Socializer! bookmarklet to your browser’s Favorites / Bookmarks. To share a page in Facebook or other social networks, click the Socializer Bookmark.
Right click to add Bookmark/Favorite: Socializer!