How to use Subtitle Workshop to create or edit your subtitles
Adding subtitles
You need to press the Insert key or click the “Edit/Insert subtitle” menu. The subtitle will always be added right after the focused item. The default duration of the new subtitle is one second, and the start time of it is always going to be the final time of the previous one plus 1 millisecond. If you are adding the subtitle in a blank list, the initial time of it will be zero.
If you want to insert a subtitle before the selected item, press [Shift]+[Insert] keys or the “Edit/Insert before” menu.
Deleting subtitles
Select all the subtitles you wish to delete by holding Ctrl key and click in them and press the Delete key or click the “Edit/Remove selected” menu.
Manually edit a subtitle
Each subtitle is composed in three parts:
1. The initial time – the time in which the subtitle is shown.
2. The final time – the time in which the subtitle is hidden.
3. The text – the subtitle itself.
Subtitle Workshop lets you edit any of these fields.
To edit the initial time click the “Show” field, set the time (or frames) you wish and press [Enter].
To edit the final time click the “Hide” field, set the time (or frames) you wish and press [Enter]. Note that you can also edit the final time of a subtitle by changing the “Duration” field.
You can also edit any of these time values using the Up-Down buttons at the right side of each text box.
To edit the text, simply click the “Text” box and write the desired text. In the list of subtitles, the character “|” (pipe) represents new line.