How to use DirSync Pro: basic functions for synchronizing files and folders

Bidirectional sync conflict resolution in DirSync Pro

Copying the latest modified file to both directories: when synchronizing bidirectionally, if two files are modified in both directories individually, the latest modified file will be copied to both directories.

Copying the largest file to both directories: when synchronizing bidirectionally, if two files are modified in both directories individually, the largest file will be copied to both directories.

Copying both files to both directories: when synchronizing bidirectionally, if two files are modified in both directories individually, they are postfixed (renamed with added extensions .DirA and .DirB) and they both will be copied to both directories.

Just warn me: when synchronizing bidirectionally, if two files are modified in both directories individually, none of the files are copied. Instead the user gets a warning and could fx the conflict manually.

Just skip silently: when synchronizing bidirectionally, if two files are modified in both directories individually, the files will be skipped silently.

The By Pattern tab in DirSync Pro defines a pattern to match the name of the files or directories.

Define here the Pattern for the file/directory name. Only files/directories matching a specifed pattern should be included or excluded. For example if you specify ‘*.txt’ only files/directories that end with ‘.txt’ will be processed; or if you specify ‘*_new’, only files/directories that end with ‘_new’ will be processed. You can use wildcards (i.e. ‘?’ and ‘*’). ‘?’ means zero, or one character, ‘*’ means zero, one, or more characters.

If you wish to enter many patterns, you may enter them here. You may enter multiple patterns by separating them using semi-column (‘;’) character, like ‘*.gif;*.jpg;*.png’. When you click on OK, multiple patterns will be parsed and split into individual pattern filters.