Click automatically prompts and notifications with PTFB Push the Freakin Button

Push the Freakin Button is an excellent freeware which clicks automatically all of these buttons of notifications asking you to confirm this and that repeatedly and often without reason. Push the Freakin Button has now turned commercial, and is enhanced with Macro building and other options you may not even need.

The version offered below is the last free version — simple, effective and still working.

Place a shortcut to your StartUp folder, to have PTFB run when Windows starts. It will save in its folder a config file with all your preferences (what buttons to click); whenever you format your disk, etc, don’t forget to backup this file in order to use it in your new installation.

You may also like to consider using ClickOff instead of PTFB, since ClickOff does the same job and its development continues as a freeware.