Find and save any file from the cache memory of Chrome, with ChromeCacheView

Have you ever wanted to save this picture or video you cannot find on line but you know there is somewhere in the cache memory of Chrome?

ChromeCacheView is a free, portable and light tool, able to read the cache folder of Google Chrome, to display a convenient list of all files stored their. For each file it will let you know its URL, if you prefer to get a fresh copy or just for reference, the content type, file size, last accessed time, and more. You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, to save them elsewhere, open them in their default application or in Chrome, copy the URL, etc.

The main window of ChromeCacheView displays a list of all files stored in the cache of Chrome. You can export the list into text / html / xml file, copy the entire table of cache files (Ctrl+C), and then paste it to Excel or to OpenOffice spreadsheet. You can also extract the actual files from the cache, and save them into another folder.

A useful feature that now is missing from this otherwise great little tool, is a preview option, to avoid opening a file in Chrome or in its default application to make sure it’s the one you want.

Download ChromeCacheView