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Best free wallpaper changers and managers

Wallpaper Manager is a free wallpaper cycling and management tool, especially designed for multi-screen systems. It will let you apply multi-screen wallpapers over all monitors; multiple single-screen wallpapers (one for each monitor) and choose between 3 different cycle modes; Cycle automatically in any given interval; Add new wallpapers automatically by watching a folder for changes; Define priorities for each wallpaper; Choose between 5 different placement modes to make each wallpaper fit well on screen.

Wallpaper Gadget will let you explore your wallpapers, the default Windows folder or any folder you like that contains your pictures. The gadget will create inside its own (small or large) window a slide show, even with transition effects, and it will let you select manually or automatically, at specified intervals, a picture to become your desktop wallpaper. Wallpaper Gadget is one of the most impressive desktop gadgets available.

WallMaster changes your wallpaper at a predetermined time interval (e.g. every 10 minutes) and customizes the wallpaper position (tile, center, fit to screen, auto fit, or custom) easily. Features at a glance: Supports many graphics formats (BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, PCX, TGA, and WMF); User friendly interface with full context-sensitive help; Create collections of your favorite wallpapers and customize them as you like; Change the wallpaper on Windows startup (option to change and auto close); Use different background color for each wallpaper; Hide your desktop icons to see more of your wallpaper; Gamma correction support to fix dark images.

BioniX Background Switcher is a free and powerful wallpaper manager, that lets you use your own or on-line images as desktop wallpapers, even put a calendar or clock on your desktop. The program supports multi-monitor setups.

BackgroundBot is a free app that lets you change wallpapers automatically in intervals, even on a multiple monitor setup, having different wallpapers on each of your monitors.

Wallpaper Randomizer is a free and small wallpaper changer. It will let you see a different wallpaper whenever you start Windows, change wallpaper on regular intervals, change wallpaper using a hotkey, randomize your list of wallpapers. When running it for the first time, you will be prompted to specify where is your photos or wallpapers directory. Supported image formats: BMP, PNG, JPG and GIF.

WallPapa is a free program that will change your desktop wallpaper automatically each time you start Windows or in specified time intervals. Features: Change the wallpaper automatically on start up or at time interval; Change the wallpaper manually; Support of various types of pictures: BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF; Five wallpaper styles: CENTER, TILE, STRETCH, SCALE, COVER; Wallpapers are chosen from folders of your choice; Wallpaper list can be shuffled; Include/Exclude pictures in subfolders; Find pictures in wallpaper list; Separate settings for each user; Small pictures can be tiled instead of following the selected wallpaper style.

Wallpaper Shifter is a little freeware utility that starts when you login to Windows, picks a random wallpaper from a list and then it closes. Depending on the wallpaper’s width and height, it can automagically scale it to fit your desktop without deforming it’s proportions. It can also delete the current background from the disk.

Background Switcher changes the background image on your computer periodically. You can specify pictures source from Individual pictures or folders on your computer; Flickr photo sharing – selecting pictures by person, tags, sets or just random; Phanfare web albums; smugmug photo galleries; Yahoo! image search.

ScrollWall can change your desktop wallpaper automatically in fixed time intervals. You can also set it to change the desktop wallpaper at every startup. The set of wallpapers can be selected by you and can be modified whenever you want. There is no limit on adding wallpapers; You can add your favorite wallpapers in a multiple selection mode; Wallpaper positions Tile, Center, Stretch; Time interval between wallpaper change can be set as low as 1 second.

WallpaperFlickr will change automatically your wallpaper using Flickr photos. You’ll get a new wallpaper in intervals you can define, from 1 minute to several months!, from photos taken in the last seven days around the world. The program will also let you choose pictures using keyword searches, or following a particular user, etc.

* Check also these relevant and useful tools: Taskbar Control hides the Windows Taskbar using a hotkey to let you easily enjoy your wallpaper on a clean desktop.  Gadgibility lets you use a keyboard shortcut to make all of your desktop gadgets disappear or reappear instantly.

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* Tip: Why the explorer folder position returns to the beginning when the wallpaper changes!

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