System tools Troubleshooter

Download Super Sleep to have your monitor wake up only when YOU want

Super Sleep is a safe, light, free and powerful program that will make sure your monitor stays asleep until you decide to wake it up! If you downloaded Super Sleep before November 22, 2017, download the new version which fixes a bug with the keyboard shortcuts. It is known that various applications or system settings, even a wrong placement of usb ‘jumpers’ in the motherboard!, may force a monitor to exit power-save mode. So many times I left my monitor to sleep, only to find it awake when I returned!

I had even to change system settings or close main applications I work with all the time, just to avoid these interruptions of my monitor’s sleep, in vain… I don’t need this trouble. Super Sleep ‘locks’ a monitor in power save mode — to wake up only when you press a certain keyboard shortcut you can customize at will.

Default Shortcuts are: Ctrl+F9 (To open the Power Menu > Sleep, Shut Down, Restart, Sing Out, Hibernate) ||| Ctrl+F10 (To wake up your monitor) ||| Ctrl+F11 (To send immediately your monitor to sleep)

Even if you change track in your media player with your regular media key, your monitor remains asleep! — no need to worry that it may wake up by itself five minutes after you leave the room. Although this is not the purpose of the program, Super Sleep can also be used as a quick privacy protector, and an easy one, since you won’t even have to remember passwords…

If you don’t need this powerful sleep mode of Super Sleep, you can download instead the Sleeper, a freeware that will put your monitor to power save mode with a keyboard shortcut, but letting you wake it up as usually pressing any key or moving the mouse.

To ensure a trouble-free installation, right-click the setup file and select the option “Run as administrator.” You need also to make sure after the installation is complete, that the program folder and files have write permissions. Finally, to avoid UAC prompts upon startup you can include it also in a whitelist of trusted applications.

* You may also like to read this list with the best free utilities for a Laptop, and of course get even more Power Tools.



Super Sleep PAD (xml) file

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