Download SimpleOCR free for English and French

SimpleOCR is a free (for non-commercial use) program that will let you convert a paper document into editable electronic text for use in any application including Word.

Features: Dictionary with more than 120,000 words. Add new words to the dictionary. Despeckle or “noisy document” option which increases SimpleOCR’s accuracy. Format Retention – keep certain elements of the document’s format in the recognized document, from varying font sizes to font formatting elements such as underline, italic, and bold. Image Retention – Capture and retain pictures from the document. Plain Text Extraction;

Recognize the characters and words but ignore the formatting. Simplified Error Correction – Highlights suspected errors in the recognized text for easier correction. Batch OCR. Zone OCR – Extract the text from a certain area in a document. Works with all fully compliant TWAIN scanners and also accepts input from TIFF files. Save in text formats (TXT and RTF), or TIFF format.

SimpleOCR currently supports only English and French.