Prioritize files for sharing with eMule, using MorphXT mod

MorphXT is a free eMule mod. It connects to both the eDonkey network and the Kad network, as the original eMule. With this mod you can have specific files shared before all other files, by right clicking them in the shared files list and selecting “Powershare” -> “Set powersharing”. Files that have PowerShare activated will be uploaded a 100% of the time, if there are people trying to download them.

The best PowerShare configuration, in my opinion, is to generally disable it (by going to Options > Mod Options > Morph Share), and then right click to files you want to give this special priority to, activating PowerShare only for them. Set these files also to eMule’s native Release priority.

The best installation of MorphXT would be to replace the original emule.exe file with the emule.exe included in the MorphXT package. All the other files you already have in your eMule directory can remain as they are, in order to keep your main preferences, eMule high id rooter configuration, etc.

Main Features: Powershare to prioritize files for sharing into the network. * A different UPnP implementation to map ports and the web interface. * Performance and gui tweaks * Anti leecher system that bans some types of leecher mods. * Multi user webinterface. * Capability to natively run as Windows NT Service.