Edit photos and icons, print, scan, convert, and more, with Chasys Draw IES
Chasys Draw IES is a free image editor with layer support. You can use it to create cool designs, edit photos, create icons, print and scan. The program provides an image cross-converter designed specifically to take advantage of multi-core processors (up to 32 cores). The speed of conversion scales up with every additional core.
Features: Fast internal graphics engine (JpDRAW2) * Free-style layering with blending modes * Composite, Animation and Multi-resolution image modes * Full alpha channel through out the workflow * Re-editable tools and fully re-editable text * Alpha protection (a.k.a transparency protection) * Multi-core aware software architecture * Multiple display setup aware * Shell integration with thumbnails * Unlimited Undo/Redo * printing and scanning engines
Video capture from devices (e.g. TV/Video) * Video sequence composer engine * Video Screen Capture * In-built utilities (Calculator, Notepad) * Support for Photoshop Filter Plug-ins (.8BF) * Support for older formats such as PPM/PGM/PBM, PCX, TGA, etc. * Full UNICODE support in all components
Icon Generator * Video Sequence Composer * Palette Generator * 18 scaling methods, including Bicubic (Cardinal, BSpline, BCSpline) and Windowed Sinc (Bartlett, Blackman, BlackmanHarris, Bohman, Cosine, Gauss, Hamming, Hann, Kaiser, Lanczos, Parzen, Rectangular, Welch) * Video Screen Capture * CD Labeling capability, including LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling * Project templates * Animated cursor creation, and much more!