Convert audio and images, split or join PDF, minify JS and CSS with File Blender

File Blender is an extensible and customizable file conversion and processing tool. It uses external command line programs to convert or otherwise process files that are being dropped onto the interface. You can easily extend its functionality by adding any program that supports command line arguments to its Actions folder, along with a simple configuration file that tells Flie Blender which files should be handled by each action and how.

File Blender requires no installation. The application itself is built of a single executable and a configuration file. It is preconfigured with Image Converter (BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF), Audio Converter (MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG), PDF/TIFF Splitter and Joiner, JS/CSS Minifier and Obfuscator

All the actions that File Blender can perform are located in the Actions folder. Each sub folder contains configuration files (named like “MP3 to WAV.b.ini”). When the Actions menu is open, you may right click the action button to gain quick access to the configuration file.

If you wish to remove any of the preconfigured actions, simply delete its folder or file from the Actions folder.