Fix winamp caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) error

This Winamp error usually comes from a plugin and regards a DLL file such as gen_undo.dll, etc. A common cause to an error like this is if Winamp doesn’t have permission to write to its folders. Make Winamp folders writable, including folders located in your user account /Roaming/Winamp.

To identify the plugin that causes this problem let Winamp (from its settings) produce an error log. This log is usually placed at your Roaming/Winamp folder with the extension *crash.log

When you identify the plugin, just try changing its settings first disabling some or all of its options, restarting Winamp and reactivating the options you want activated. It seems that the plugin needs to refresh its memory and this can be done by deactivating and reactivating the options that you want activated.
