System tools

Remap your keyboard, even identifying unknown keys, using KeyTweak

If you find convenient a different placement of keyboard keys or if you are missing a key and you’d like to add it to your keyboard, KeyTweak is a free, simple and efficient program you can use to remap your keyboard.

The program lets you select a key using an on-screen keyboard and assign to it the function of some other key. You can also use KeyTweak to remap multimedia or other special keys such as mute, volume, play, home, shutdown, etc. Before you apply any changes you make and restart your PC you have a chance to review those changes.

However, the greatest feature of this program is the so called “teach” mode, a utility that lets you bypass the virtual keyboard in case you don’t find there the key you need to remap: when you press a key in the real keyboard this utility identifies it showing a number; then you can press another key which is also identified. After this double identification you can remap the first key to act as if you used the second key.

KeyTweak lets you also disable a key instead of remapping it, save a profile that includes your customizations and of course revert all changes and use again the default keyboard. KeyTweak is a powerful and free program you may like to use if you need to remap your keyboard.


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