Free Aomei Backupper vs Macrium Reflect: what should you choose?

I’ve been using both of these programs for a while, the free versions only, and I wondered which might be the best of the two? Let me say from the start that whichever you may use, Macrium or Aomei, you can’t go wrong! They are both great and reliable applications.

Macrium Reflect Free seems a little more difficult, while Aomei Backupper Standard uses simple and huge button-menus that are easier to follow. Backupper resembles a game, Reflect resembles a technician’s Pro application. Both of them let you not only create but also browse an image, in case you need files located on some of your older images or to just recall some parameters of your older installations.

There are some clear advantages for Aomei Backupper since, as even its name suggests, it supports also simple backup of any files and folders, even synchronization (but without filters, in the free version). The program is also a little faster, and is able to make incremental and differential images, a feature that is missing from Macrium Reflect Free.

Therefore, if you are in search of an imaging application, you can get without problems any of these in terms of reliability, choosing Aomei Backupper if you prefer an easier interface and additional functionality. — Enjoy!