Record, edit and mix your music in 4 tracks, with Quartz Audio Master

Quartz AudioMaster allows you to record, edit, mix, share and deliver your productions driving an integrated 4 tracks digital mixer, recorder, sound and time line editor in sync with a 16 tracks MIDI sequencer.

Record audio, in sync with Midi, with any instrument or microphone or assemble already existing audio materials or music loops.

Record Midi, as well, using a Midi keyboard or your computer keyboard. Cut, copy, paste, move, repeat your audio elements and Midi elements and mix your tracks applying real-time DirectX or Quartz plug-in effects on audio. Edit GS or XG synths. Print your Score. Mixdown to standard stereo files using many formats.

Not exactly a cubase alternative, but more than fair especially if you don’t need more tracks. A commercial version is also available.