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Copy and Paste with a single key, and control the Power of your PC, using Power Copy

Power Copy will remap three of your keyboard keys, all of them seldom used, if ever — the ScrollLock, the Pause and the Insert key. This way you can have them perform something useful.

The ScrollLock key becomes a Copy key

The Pause key a Paste key

The Insert key a Power key — to ShutDown your PC, Restart Windows, Log Off your account, or send your monitor to Sleep.

This is a simple, easy to use, clean, free and light application. If your keyboard has a NumPad, consider using NumPad Transformer, a freeware that will transform your NumPad to a Mouse!, besides the copy, paste and power functions.

To make Power Copy work globally, (if you find that some programs won’t follow the new functions), just run it “as administrator” (right click on its shortcut at the StartUp menu, and at the second tab, named “Shortcut”, check the “Run as Administrator” option. Power Copy should now work with all programs and windows without exceptions.– Read this article in case Windows security won’t let you run automatically at startup “Run as Administrator” shortcuts.

To ensure a trouble-free installation, right-click the setup file and select the option “Run as administrator.” You need also to make sure after the installation is complete, that the program folder and files have write permissions. Finally, to avoid UAC prompts upon startup you can include the program in a whitelist of trusted applications.
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