Open and extract Outlook mail DAT files, even in RTF, with Winmail Opener
August 5, 2020
Winmail Opener is a light and free program that can prove very useful. It lets you open and save whatever is included in TNEF (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format) emails, normally appearing as winmail.dat files.
If anyone sent you winmail. dat files, with this tool you can use rich-text contents and attachments included in these files.
Winmail.dat usually come from anyone using Microsoft Outlook. Such files include like zip archives all attachments and all rich texts. Other email clients may not be able to understand this format.
To use the program just drag a winmail.dat file and drop it on Winmail Opener. Content included in files and decoded by the Opener can be dragged and dropped in any folder you like. Command line options let you batch decode of several winmail.dat files.
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Tags: attachmentsDat FileseMailEmail ClientsRTFTransport Neutral Encapsulation FormatWinmail DatWinmail Opener