Extract automatically and remove eMail attachments, with Outlook Attachment Remover

Outlook Attachment Remover is a free Outlook add-in for saving and extracting attachments, decreasing the size of your Outlook files.

After you install this add-in, a new command bar appears in Outlook. You may position it wherever you prefer. Select the message or even a whole folder where you want to save/remove the attachments from. Press the Attachment Remover button. Choose Removal options that best suit your needs and press OK.

The program lets you select attachment extensions to process. Example: “.doc;.xls;.pdf”, or process only heavy attachments, by specifying a minimum size. After the attachment is saved it can also be removed from the e-mail message. You may replace the attachment by a link to the saved file or by a link on the e-mail body.

“Process sub-folders” processes the sub-folders of the selected folder. “Add sub-directories” reproduces the outlook folders on the selected sub-directory. For instance, if you selected to save the files on the directory “\MyEmails”, the inbox attachments will be saved on “\MyEmails\Inbox”, etc.