Find album art with Create CoverSearch
July 21, 2020
Create CoverSearch is a free program that will (try to) retrieve cover art from Amazon and Yahoo for your CDs.
Unfortunately Create CoverSearch won’t let you paste the path of your album, but you have to go always from the root to find it. It can be used to search and save some covers once and forever, but for every day use and constant changes of directories it’s more of a trouble than help.
Besides this, for the moment CoverSearch seems to cooperate well only with Yahoo – although Amazon is the most important source of covers. I don’t understand also what’s the reason of “Create” in the program’s name!
Features: Portable (no need to install) * Search only in folders containing music files * Multiple results for each search * Sort by relevance / Preview * Advanced use (regex)
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Tags: album artCover ArtCoversearchfind covers