
Get Word macros to replace auto bullets or auto numbers, even revert your lists to normal text

Here is a set of Word macros that will let you manipulate numbers and bullets automatically.

The first macro changes an auto-bulleted list to a list with hard bullets. This macro can be particularly useful when you need to copy a list from Word and paste it to some other text editor without loosing your list bullets.

The second macro converts automatic numbers to hard numbers. You can use this macro if you need to copy part of a document with automatic numbering to somewhere else, e.g. an e-mail. The macro changes automatic numbers in the copy to normal text so that the correct numbers are retained when you paste the text elsewhere. Before running the command, you must select the text you want to insert elsewhere. When the macro finishes, go to the destination and paste the text. Note that the active document remains unchanged. To change even this, just paste to replace your selection in the active document, before or after you paste in the destination.

The third macro removes auto numbers and bullets, converting your lists to text. Take care because the macro works in the entire document.

Read this to learn how to import or export Word Macros in BAS files.


Download Numbers / Bullets Word Macros


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