How to create multiple indexes in the same MS Word document

As we now are going to build the Index, we don’t need anymore the temporary mark “1places” but only the term “Boston”. Therefore, for an automatic replacement of all instances in all keywords of Places, we need to search for 1places and replace it with the rest of the code that makes up a functional entry of the Index of Places. Since the beginning of the entry is already as it should be, {XE “Boston, we search for 1places to replace it with the ending of the field code

Field codes end in a quote and a bracket “} but in our Replace operation it seems like we left the code open. However, it won’t remain open since the closing is already there and it won’t be replaced:

From an entry like {XE “Boston1places”}, we don’t keep only the start, which is {XE “Boston, but also the final quote and bracket “}, replacing only the reminder 1places with the code that identifies this entry with the Index of Places.

In ” \f “1  the first quotation mark closes the entry “Boston, then comes the \f switch “1 with one quotation mark only, since the other quotation mark is already there along with the ending bracket.

I hope now everything is clear, but before you make massive replacements, always create a backup of your document!

You can always use the undo function, but just in case something goes wrong, don’t underestimate an extra safety measure to be certain you won’t lose all those precious Index entries. Experiment a while to understand how such replacements work.

After you create the field codes of your Index entries, do not forget to add the f switch also to the codes of your Indexes, {INDEX \f “1”} and {INDEX \f “2”}.

First build an Index (at References > Insert Index), then 1) reveal its field code, 2) add the f switch, and 3) update the Index. Repeat the same steps for your second Index in a separate section of your document.