Inserting and resizing an image in Adobe Acrobat Pro

In Acrobat you may find yourself in big trouble for performing this should-be extremely easy and obvious task, to just insert and resize an image. Here is what you need to do.

To insert an image, open the “Tools” panel and go to “Content”. Select the “Edit Object” tool, then right click anywhere in your document and select the “place image” command.

After your image is imported you can click on it to place it anywhere you like in the document. If it is too large, you may want to resize it. Unfortunately moving your mouse to an edge won’t let you find a point to drag and resize the image. Resize points are available only at the corners, but the corners may be invisible if the image is huge.

Therefore, drag the image to move it outside of the visible area until you discover any of its corners. Then you will also be able to see a resize point. Drag this point to resize your image. Then drag again the image to make more of its area visible, if you like to make it even smaller.

You may have to repeat this a few times until your image comes to the dimensions you need. It would be easier if Acrobat provided also a properties dialogue to let you type an initial size to work with. However, even without it, you will manage to do your job.
