Extract each page or any part of a PDF document saving it as a separate PDF document, with SepPDF

SepPDF is a free utility that lets you extract any range of a PDF document’s pages and save it as a separate PDF document, even a single PDF for each page of the original document.

The program is extremely easy to use, featuring just two options, to split a PDF document in its pages (a separate PDF document for each and every page), or to extract a range of pages, for example, from page 45 to page 77, in a separate PDF document.

Note that SepPDF is a portable utility — you don’t need to install it, just run the executable and enjoy!

The interface is nothing exciting, but easy to use, supporting drag and drop. Note that you can save the separated PDF document(s) in the same folder with the original or in any folder you like.

Download SepPDF