31 free Citation and Bibliography styles for Microsoft Word

Word is not proud of the style collection it offers for citations and bibliographies, but fortunately you can find more.

I haven’t discovered so far a style that would let me use “human” citations, such as “Author, Title, Page” (e.g. Rilke, Letters, p. 27), instead of the extremely abstract “Author, Year” (e.g. Hudson, 1999).

Here is a collection of 31 styles you can get for free. To use them in Word just unzip them inside YourSystemDrive:\Users\YourAccount\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Bibliography\Style

Included in this collestion of Word Bibliography Styles: ABNT_Author * ABNT_Num * ABNT_Num_Alt * ACMCitSeq * ACMNameSeq * ACSCitSeq * ACSCitSeq2 * AMA * APASixthEditionOfficeOnline * ASA * CHICAGO * CSECitSeq * CSENameSeq * GB * GostName * GostTitle * HarvardAGPS * HarvardAnglia2008OfficeOnline * HarvardExeter * HarvardLeeds * Humana * IEEE2006OfficeOnline * ISO690 * ISO690Nmerical * LNCS * MHRAFootnote * MLASeventhEditionOfficeOnline * Nature * SIST02 * TURABIAN * Vancouver

Download Word Bibliography Styles