
Let your keyboard sound like a typewriter, with HQ sounds

I like sometimes to hear typewriter sounds with my keyboard. To enjoy even occasionally a noisier typing, you can have some program register a sound scheme to your keyboard. It is not the same to listen to keyboard sounds from speakers instead of the keyboard itself, but it can be pleasant. Check also this post on how you can let your keyboard sound mechanical like DasKeyboard or IBM. Home Typist is (supposed to be) a free utility that adds typewriter sounds to the keyboard. However, the sounds are of a quality that is not recognizable by hi end audio systems in Windows. Home Typist won’t work on Windows 7 or later, but only when the focus is on some of the program’s own windows, which means you are going to hear nothing when you use your Word processor!

Key Sound Generator can be trusted for a noisy keyboard experience even on Windows 10. You can also try Qwertick, a program that works fine, although offering a single sound scheme you cannot change or customize. In the download below I have replaced the original low quality sounds of KSG with new, that are not only hi-end but also carefully selected to be comfortable even after hours of use. You can use Audacity, or other free audio editors to tweak further the sounds if you need to (increase the volume of this, decrease the volume of that, etc)

This is a unique download you won’t find anywhere else.

Edition of KSG includes a high end sound scheme, that of a typewriter, both enhanced with other sounds two, in order to become more pleasant, but KSG will let you have your own and as many sound schemes as you like, even change them on the fly — you are not confined to the default. Select your sounds (wav files), give them names according to the default sounds, save them in a directory and then from inside the program select this directory to load sounds from. If you prefer the sound of mechanical keyboards instead of that of a typewriter, you can add to KSG two sound schemes that feature mechanical keyboard sounds.

Here is what the program supports: ARROW.WAV Arrow keys ||| BACKSPCE.WAV  Backspace and Delete keys ||| MOUSE.WAV Mouse buttons ||| RETURN.WAV  Return key ||| SPACE.WAV  Spacebar ||| TAB.WAV Tab key ||| OTHER.WAV Other keys, including all the letters

* Check also this list with the best free keyboard tools to remap, customize and enhance your keys


Download KSG or Qwertick (and 7)


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