For washed out colors in Chrome, easy and reversible fix

I was so disappointed with colors in Google Chrome! All colors were washed out like dead! I tried disabling extensions, even hardware acceleration, without success. Well, there seems to be a real solution to this problem, easy and reversible.

In the address bar of Chrome write chrome://flags/ and in the search bar that will appear below, write force color profile and hit enter. Chrome will give you a so called “experiment” named “Force color profile”.

Checking the options included in the box at the right you see the “default”, which is currently selected and is responsible for the washed out colors, as well as some other options you can try. In my case the option that worked perfectly was scRGB linear (HDR where available). This option gave me the exact same colors I enjoy also with Firefox and Microsoft Edge.

Perhaps in your case some other option works better. You can try all of them; nothing to lose! Each time you change color options you need also to restart the browser, but it re-opens automatically intact with all your previous tabs, including the “flags” tab with the color options. Therefore, it is really easy to try everything.
