Accessories File tools

Best free file and folder search tools, simple and advanced

Ultra File Search will let you find quickly Files, Folders and Text on Local, Network, DVD, CD-ROM, USB Hard or Flash Drives. You can specify several File Masks and multiple Drives and/or Folders to search at the same time. Ultra File Search is able to sort out files and folders according to their properties (e. g. Modified Date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences. Specific actions can be carried out on the results (e.g. Open Folder, Open Containing Folder), moreover they can be exported in various formats (Plain TXT, Tabbed TXT, CSV, HTML, XML). Ultra File Search does not use background indexing, does not waste system resources and does not use extra space on the disk. A portable version is also available.

AstroGrep will let you search within files for keywords. AstroGrep supports regular expressions, versatile printing options, stores most recently used paths. A Microsoft Word plugin will handle .docx files.

MS Word Super Find Macro will let you enjoy automatic placement of searched and found terms near the middle of Word’s window. Assign a keyboard shortcut to use the macro effectively. I use F3, which is the default key for RepeatFind; for the latter I use Alt+F3.

Everything is a free search program able to locate files and folders on your computer instantly. Use the Advanced Search from the Search menu to perform complex searches. Basic search syntax can be displayed in the Help menu.

Agent Ransack will help you locate on your pc files and information fast and easily. When searching the contents of files Agent Ransack displays the text found. This way you will be able to browse the results without having to separately open each file. Regular expressions allow complex searches.

V-Grep (Visual GREP) will let you specify expressions representing complex patterns that are difficult or impossible to find using only masks, such as: e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, IP addresses etc. Results can be exported to an HTML file.

SearchMyFiles allows you to search files in your system by wildcard, by last modified/created/last accessed time, by file attributes, by file content (text or binary search), and by file size. For Example: You can search all files created in the last 10 minutes with size between 500 and 700 bytes. An “Excluded Folders” option allows you to specify one or more folders (delimited by semicolon) that you want to exclude from the scan.

Photology requires no input from you (tagging etc.) to analyze your photos so that you can search for them using intuitive search filters. Photology can search through thousands photos in seconds to find 3,000 photos with plants, or 1,000 with beaches, or 56 with just the right shade of purple. Looking at your photos with Photology is crazy fast. You can find a photo by searching for a specific color, or for photos taken outside (if you remember such a detail), or for photos from last year. You can also combine, mix, and match any or all of these tidbits from your memory to find your photo.

FileSeek is fast, small and easy to use. It can also be integrated into the Windows Explorer right-click menu to provide quick and easy access. FileSeek doesn’t use background indexing.

Multi Path Files Finder will let you search in many locations at once. If you ever wanted to search for a file in more than one path, you will appreciate this little freeware. It also provides the option of excluding a phrase from the search. For each path you can decide to search also in the subfolders.

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