Dictionaries Education Learning Greek

Best free dictionaries and language vocabulary learning tools

OpenTeacher is a free vocabulary training application you can use if you learn a foreign language. To start practicing you need to enter a list of words in both a known and a foreign language. Features: Smart question asking and interval training * Think answer, shuffle answer and repeat answer input modes * Easy symbol, Greek and Cyrillic input * Read and write T2K (Teach2000), wrts and read ABBY Linvo Tutor files * Save and open your online WRTS lists * Print your word lists.

SearchALL Desktop Gadget is a small, simple, convenient, yet powerful and free desktop gadget that will let you search from your desktop for all kinds of information, from a dictionary, to images and maps, definitions, articles, reviews, movies, music, etc. SearchALL gadget supports DICTIONARY, GOOGLE, YOUTUBE, EBAY, WIKIPEDIA, AMAZON, IMDB, BING, NEWS, and more!

Voca is a free vocabulary trainer. You can use Voca to learn foreign languages, any language, or even other things you want to memorise. You will need a word list, which you can create yourself or download from Voca website. It’s easy to upload your own word lists and you are encouraged to share your work with other users.

Memler Vocabulary Trainer will help you practice the vocabulary of a language. Memler is a vocabulary trainer and a fast dictionary, easy to use and highly configurable. You can set your preferences for how often you want Memler to pop up as you work, and how many words you wish to be asked for.

GoNaomi allows you to choose the ‘from’ and ‘to’ languages (a pair at a time). The program includes all of the wide spread languages plus more unusual such as: Greek, Croatian, Czech, Hebrew, Irish, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Tagalog, and more. GoNaomi translates single words, not phrases.

Lingoversity will help you increase your vocabulary. You can use Lingoversity to create a voice supported personal glossary as a reference source, practice your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation with the aid of your favorite audio podcasts.

pfQuizzz is a freeware vocabulary trainer for PC, PDA & Mobile. If you need to drill thousands of words to learn a foreign language, pfQuizzz can help you.

Roots of English dictionary gives emphasis on etymology, both true and false. Complementary information about the words is also examined. English words that seem more difficult usually come from Greek and Latin. Main sources of information are listed in detail within the program. Anyone familiar with Windows applications should be able to begin to search for specific words and/or roots immediately. For others, complete instructions on how to search for words and roots of words are given within the “Roots of English” book itself. The Page Map (reached through the Table of Contents within the program) will explain the function of each of the buttons, boxes, and fields of the standard page. A unique program, yet with a primitive interface. Note also that the current version may not run on 64bit systems.

TheSage English Dictionary and Thesaurus is a free but comprehensive language reference system; it integrates a dictionary and thesaurus of the English language and it can look up words directly from almost any program (IE, Word, Firefox, Outlook, Thunderbird,… ). The thesaurus encompasses: Synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms…, Approximately 1,400,000 relationships between definitions.

WordWeb is a free, convenient and powerful dictionary and thesaurus for English. It can look up words from inside almost any program. It works off-line, but can also look up words in web references such as the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Features of the free version include: Definitions and synonyms, Proper nouns, Related words, Pronunciations, 150 000 root words, 120 000 synonym sets. English pronunciation varies considerably across the English speaking world. WordWeb provides a rough guide, concentrating on the standard American and RP (BBC English) varieties that are widely comprehended. Besides visual representation through letters, WordWeb will let you also hear how a word sounds, by offering actual audio pronunciation.

gnuVocabTrain is a free and small program, a vocabulary trainer. Features: any combination of languages can be set up * various sample modes * vocabulary editor * accessibility tools for typing special characters * settings can be stored as profiles.

Wordbase Greek is designed to help anyone interested in ancient Greek. It runs on any operating system, provided the NET Framework is installed. It contains a Greek – English dictionary with New Testament words. It is delivered with several glossaries to be used in the flashcard section. One such file contains the 5393 most common words in the New Testament in order of occurrence. It is also possible to create new glossaries such as those used in a textbook. It is actually possible to copy words from the dictionary directly to a new glossary saving editing time. Any glossary can be used in a flashcard section. The program can be instructed to save difficult words to new glossaries.

Kalos Conjugator is a free program with 3 related functions: A Classic Greek dictionary in three languages (English/Spanish/French). * A Morphological analysis tool. Morphological analysis means finding out the dictionary form from an inflected form. For example, given πεπαιδευκα, an inflected form, the morphological analysis finds out that its dictionary form is παιδεύω. * A generator of inflection charts. For example: it produces the full conjugation of any verb, or the full declension of any noun or adjective. The inflection of participles and infinitives is also given for all verbs.

Words Latin English dictionary and analyzer takes keyboard input or a file of Latin text lines and provides an analysis/morphology (declension, conjugation, case, tense, etc.) of each word individually, the dictionary form, and the translation (meaning). The dictionary contains over 39000 entries and, through additional word construction with hundreds of prefixes and suffixes, may generate more, leading to many hundreds of thousands of ‘words’ that can be formed by declension and conjugation. Present emphasis is on classical Latin and late Latin, but medieval Latin entries are increasing. WORDS provides a tool to help in translations for the Latin student and a memory jog for researchers. WORDS runs on all systems as a console program (keyboard entry), without Windows GUI. If you are not familiar with DOS (or just don’t like it), you can download Latin Assistant, a free Windows interface for WORDS. This GUI also makes it easier to perform some other tasks: not only looking up Latin and English words, but also printing entries and saving your current session as a text file. A “meanings only” mode allows using the program primarily as a dictionary. By default, morphological properties are given for every word you type in.

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