Learn foreign languages with Memler Vocabulary Trainer and Dictionary

Memler is a free program that will help you to practice the vocabulary of a language, a vocabulary trainer and a fast dictionary, easy to use and configurable. You can set your preferences for how often you want it to pop up as you work, and how many words you wish to be asked for.

Features: Create your own word lists for different languages, or download for free from Memler website. Share your lists with anyone using Memler; Lesson mode to split big word libraries in small lessons; Libraries manager to edit your libraries: adding, editing, deleting words and pronunciations;

Changing the lesson, adding or removing words from a lesson, searching the words of a library, several sorting modes, statistics about answers for every word, loading, saving and creating new libraries and so on; Use a word library as Dictionary; Drag unknown words with the mouse and drop them into the Memler Dictionary window for translation;

Learn not only words but even sentences; Study only a certain part of speech; Change Memler look on the fly – choose your favorite skin from Memler collection; Customizable interface; Set the amount of right answers for a word to make it “learned”; Set time intervals to automatically start test mode; Several modes showing words in the words list: only your own language, only learning language, or both of them; In the tests you can select a word from your own language or from the language that you learn.