Porta is a free program that will let you create photo albums, turning a folder with images into an elegant web gallery. Porta is fast and is convenient, and the same is true for the web albums it creates. They all look nice in any browser and they open fast.
The program creates albums in several languages and it supports the creation of image captions (both in tooltips and below the image); captions can be automatically created by information included already in the pictures, such as IPIC, comments, EXI, or the filename. It can also automatically rotate an image after relevan EXIF information.
Porta lets you include high resolution images and watermarks, again even automatically, such author name as reported in IPIC, etc. Another great option is that Porta lets you have an album auto start if you place it at the root of a CD / DVD drive or USB stick.
The program can be customized with skins.
Download Porta