Share your WIFI connection with any number of devices, using mHotSpot
mHotSpot is a free and portable application that will let you convert your wifi enabled LAPTOP/PC into a virtual wifi hotspot and share your internet connection through wifi with other laptops, smartphones, PDA’s, Tablet-PCs, or any other wifi enabled device.
Run the executable (mhotspot.exe) as adminstrator, Setup the hotspot name and password for wifi access, Go to newtork connections and select the internet connection you want to share, right click on it and choose properties.
In the properties > sharing tab tick the “Allow other users to connect through this computer’s internet connection” and select the created wireless network. Click start to enable sharing your internet through wifi. Click stop to disable sharing.
Features: Any number of devices can be connected to your virtual hotspot * Even simple mobile phones with wifi connectivity can access wifi internet