Split a large folder automatically by size or number of files, with Folder Axe
If you have a lot of files in a single folder you’d like to separate, you may find some help by Folder Axe, a free program that will let you split a folder into smaller ones.
After all those downloads every day it is normal that sometime we end up with folders full of all sorts of files. Folder Axe is an original freeware that will assist you in managing your files.
Features: Split a folder by amount (Specify the number of files each resulting folder is limited to) * Split by size (Specify the size limit of each resulting folder) * Set the naming scheme for resulting folders * Process folders of any size * Automatic self updates * Log window
In a discussion with the author I learned that new features will be added soon in Folder Axe, such as new splitting types — by extension, by wider common groups (video, audio, documents, etc), and more. Therefore, don’t be disappointed if you don’t find right now the function that you need. Download it, and since the program can alert you for the release of new versions, you will be notified to download updates. The web site of the program too is well designed and in good English, something rather rare.