Make phone calls over the internet, even recording, with FaceTime P2P Video Phone

FaceTime is a free and easy to use P2P VOIP and Video Phone combination. FaceTime does not rely on third-party vendors or special internet websites to make calls. You need to have only a headset, microphone, and / or a web camera to make a call. FaceTime works on LAN, DSL, Cable, or 3 / 4G broadband connections. The minimum bandwidth required is 128 Kbps (continuous).

To make a quick connection to a friend or family member, sms your current I.P. address to whomever you wish to contact. They need to enter your I.P. address in the address box and click on the chat button to start the connection. Answer the call and start chatting with or without video. On a LAN connection the I.P. Address is your network card address. On a DSL, Cable, or 3 / 4G  connection, the I.P. Address is the address your I.S.P. provides automatically when you connect.

If you are behind a firewall, you have to allow access on ports 8500, 8800 and 6767 – TCP/UDP to receive and transmit calls and video.

Other features: Video recording with compression options * Automatic video startup on call answer * Instant messenger and other p2p utilities.