Fix a slow File menu in Microsoft Word or other Office apps
I was so disappointed with Word being so slow when I needed to open the File menu, usually to reopen some recently used file or change some options. Before you try any settings below just think: is your document too large and complex? In this case note that Word may need some time to update stats and suggestions when you open the File menu since, unfortunately, “Info” is the default tab. I hope in a future version some other tab is the default, such as “Open” or “New”. If your File menu is slow even you work with a small document, keep reading.
A fist solution can be to disable all add-ins, from Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Add-ins. Of course if you need some add-in absolutely, you can disable everything else and keep only what you need.
Word’s File menu may need a couple of seconds to be updated with on line info before it opens. If you are not interested in this, go to Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options and clear (remove the checkmark) from the option: “Let Office connect to online services from Microsoft to provide functionality that’s relevant to your usage and preferences.” Then go to Trusted Add-in Catalogs and check the option “Don’t allow any web add-ins to start”.
You can also go to the “Trusted Locations” of the Trust Center Settings. Add there the location of your documents, including subfolders, since security checks can also make the File menu slower. — Enjoy!